About Us
Show-Me School-Based Health Alliance of Missouri (The Alliance) is the emerging statewide Missouri affiliate of the national School-Based Health Alliance established to improve the health of children and youth by advancing and advocating for school-based health care. We share in the national SBHA vision that when all children and adolescents have access to health care, they are better prepared to achieve their fullest potential.
As a volunteer-driven organization, we connect people from across the state to learn from each other, inspire each other, and leverage our resources and expertise to increase access to health care services for children by promoting the continued growth of school-based health.
School-based health care is an evidence-based intervention delivering health services to students in pre-k through 12th grade in the setting where children spend a significant amount of time: school. By integrating into the education environment, school-based health care contributes directly to the school’s mission and delivers outcomes that matter to educators — such as reduced student absenteeism. When health and education come together, we see improved:
- Health outcomes
- Educational outcomes
- Long-term community benefits and cost savings