2019-2020 Census of SBH Programs
In September 2019, the MOSBHA began systematically collecting information across the state to learn what SBH programs exist, who has access to the programs, and what services are being provided. The census report briefs are intended to provide a point-in-time snapshot of the SBH landscape in Missouri and provide findings from the first comprehensive census of SBH programs in Missouri.
The MOSBHA census aligns with the triannual census conducted by the National School Based Health Alliance but greatly expands on the types of programs represented as the National census only includes programs providing primary care services with acute care. More details on the methods, data sources, and variable classifications are available here. The intended audiences include federal, state, and local policy makers, funders, and schools and healthcare providing organizations who have or are considering SBH programs.
Census Briefs
A number of limitations exist for the MOSBHA census. All programs that exist are not represented, as the data only includes those programs that participated in the census (methodology available here). Additionally, this data is constantly changing, especially amid our current climate, as programs are opening, closing, and adapting to changing needs. While the unique health needs of a community may not warrant a SBH program, additional assessments are needed to understand what healthcare providers serve the community, what gaps in access to care may exist, and if local stakeholders can leverage the SBH program model to partner to address those gaps.
For more information, contact Molly Ticknor at mticknor@moschoolhealth.org.